Sunday, January 1, 2012

My New Year Resolution!

Gigi has more stuffed animals, toys, & books than a 3 year old could ever hope for!  We've run out of room for them so I've decided that my 2012 resolution should be to not buy her any of these things until next Christmas. Of course anything already purchased would be grandfathered in!  LOL!

She loves looking at books in any store we're in & today while at Target I ended up buying her another reader. I can't help it!  I figured it was ok since it was still 2011!  The one she picked was Meet the Muppets. It's based on the new Muppet movie & it's a level 3 book. She read a couple of pages to me tonight at bed time & it got me thinking about how much she has learned and grown this past year!  This time last year she was just mastering her letters, color words, & possibly just getting started on sight words.  I remember reading her bed time stories every night and now a year later she's not only reading me the bed time stories but tonight she read from a level three book!  What will I be saying about her a year from now? I can't even imagine!  It has truly been a tremendous year for Gigi & she's even able to draw simple pictures now & can write her name clearly!  That's about all she can write but she's working on it!  We got her a Leap Pad for Christmas & she has fun practicing her handwriting and of course reading & playing too!

Well, the ball dropped, it's late, and tomorrow we're going to Aunt Jen's so I must get some sleep.  Happy New Year!!!

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