Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thanks Bottle Fairy!!!!

The bottle fairy left Gigi a really nice letter & a wonderful surprise. She must have seen her playing in the bookstore bouncing on the inflatable alligator, because lo and behold, there he was sitting on top of the TV ready to play!!

The letter that the bottle fairy left with the alligator told Gigi how proud she was of Gigi for successfully leaving her bottles behind and moving to big girl cups. She also said that her good friend the Potty Fairy was also proud of her, and could not wait to bring her a special surprise for pooping on the potty when she is ready. Sadly, the letter also said that this was the last present the Bottle Fairy would be bringing since there are so many other little boys & girls who were ready to stop drinking from bottles and move to big kid cups!!

Our baby is one step closer to not being a baby anymore. Sigh!! She is a big girl now, but she will always be OUR baby!!!

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