Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 34th Month Birthday Gigi!

Today Gigi turned 34 months old! How in the world did that happen!

She grew a 1/4 inch. She's 35 1/2 inches tall now & is 26.4 pounds.

Gigi is smarter than ever. She speaks in full & complete sentences & can spell red, green, & pink on her own. I can spell any primary color & she can identify it. She's been able to do this for quite sometime now but it still amazes me!

She is also as stubborn as a two year old can be! Thank God for Time Out! It still works best for any bad behavior. We still use her sticker card as a positive reward program & it's been a great reinforcement for choosing a sippy cup over a bottle. I have faith that one day she will be off the bottle, potty trained, & stop saying "anh".  One can hope!

Happy Birthday baby girl! You'll be 3 before you know it!

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