Friday, July 2, 2010

My Birthday Baby got bigger this month!

It was a busy day today beginning with Gigi waking up with her first cold! I did not like hearing her coughing in a heavy
raspy manner. Thankfully she did not continue coughing during the day nor did she have a fever. Hoefully when she wakes up in the morning she'll be much better!

Well even though it's very late, technically it's still her 28th month birthday so here are Gigi's birthday stats:

Gigi grew about an 1/8th inch this month. She is 33 5/8 inches tall now. She weighed in at 25.4 pounds but we must take into account that this was a night weight. LOL!

Gigi is talking up a storm now & becoming more & more independent. Papa said she really found her voice now as she runs around the house singing as loud as she can. Oh boy we are really starting to rub off on her now...poor thing! LOL!

She is a very polite little girl and knows when to say please & thank you & tries to always remember to add a "thank you" when she says no to you. She loves being allowed to select her own clothes & shoes out each day & I love hearing her say no thank you until we find just the right one!

Some of Gigi's favorite things to do this past moth were swimming in Nana & Papa's pool. We also started playing more games with her many sets of flash cards. She loves to practice reading new words & turning the cards over to see if she got it right. She read the word dog on her own with no picture! We are so proud of how smart she is!

New things...
She knows every letter by sight (not new this month) but now she also knows every sound each letter makes too!!! Amazing!

She's very interested in everything going on around her & asks us constantly, "what are you doing?"

She "reads" stories on her own...she opens the book, says "once upon a time" then does a lot of baby talk, mentions something about a castle, then before closing the book says "the end" she does this without a book too.

She can hear a song such as "someday my prince will come" no pictures / no video and very excitedly tell us that it's Snow White. I don't know how...she hasn't watched that movie for months! Her memory is amazing.

We started Gigi on a good behavior sticker reward program since she can't live in Time Out (although she was trying to at times!). When she's good she gets a sticker & when she gets 7 she gets a "present". It's really working well & now that it's been a few weeks she thinks about her behavior & usually stops when we say "uh oh I can't give you a sticker if you continue behaving like this". She gets the reward part too. She knows exactly what happens now when she gets enough stickers in a row. Thankfully for all of us there has been a lot less Time Out because of this!

At night Gigi loves to have her belly & back rubbed while she falls asleep and we love accommodating her! My favorite is when she has to climb up under my chin until she can get any higher up or "up please" as she puts it. LOL! She lays across me & I get to rub her little tummy & the she rolls over and puts my hand on her back & says, "back please". She's so sweet!

Well, that's about all I can remember. June was a fun month & with so many visitors & our one-year anniversary of becoming a forever family July promises to be even more wonderful!!!

The End!

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