Monday, November 9, 2009

Arts & Crafts Project

Denise loves doing Arts & Crafts projects with Gigi, and even Nana and Papa did a pumpkin project with her on Saturday. So, today Gigi did some artwork on her bathroom wall.

Don't worry Mommy...they are washable crayons. I tested it before she started.


Anonymous said...

Uh, Daddy, umm, I don't think we're supposed to teach her to draw on walls regardless of whether they are washable...pens, markers, etc. aren't & she won't know the difference!! Well, as long as she had fun, I guess!

Tell her Mommy said thank you for the beautiful picture!

Aunt Jen said...

Sorry but have to agree, she wont know the difference between washable and non-washable. Can you wash that memory???

Lizabeth said...

Awesome Orange spray Cleaner when Sprayed on a wall or most anything with Crayon, the Crayon Immediatly starts running down the Surface & Cleans Right up !! Good Luck with that !!!