Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Just Had To...

Gigi tosses & turns a lot when she sleeps. She just made what sounded like the start of a cry but it was over as quick as it started & although she didn't wake up I jumped out of bed & ran to her as I always do, full cry or not (and yes I know I'm not supposed to jump up for every little whimper but life is too short & I waited too long for her to worry about spoiling her!!!) When I got there I found her holding her night-night friend, Sammy the Seahorse (btw he just got that name) so of course I immediately ran for a camera! I eventually covered her and slid him out of her arm but I had to capture the moment first!! Sometimes I wish I could crawl up in there with her and hold her like she's holding Sammy (not sure if that name's working out - maybe I should have gone with Mr. Seahorse).

I LOVE GIGI SO MUCH!!! It's painful sometimes how much I love her and I find myself telling her like every minute. She's probably thinking, "ok Mommy I heard you the first trillion times - get a new record, this one's skipping!" She is getting much better at saying it, I wonder why! LOL!!

Goodnight, again!

Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry

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