Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One More Sleep In Guangzhou!

Well, today is our last day in Guangzhou! One more sleep until we return to Beijing and then we fly home on 8/1!! It's hard to believe!

Today we have a ceremony where they swear us in as Gigi's parents. She's been ours officially since 7/21 and everytime we do the next step or fill out a new form we hear it's official now. It's been made official about 6 times now! LOL! Today, I guess, it will be ceremonially official!

I'm sorry to dissappoint all of Gigi's fans out there but we were told no cameras, no video, no cell phones!! Sorry! We will be leaving them in the safe in the room so we don't have to worry about leaving them on the bus.
I'm very sad not to be able to capture this moment on film.

I started packing last night - it took me months before the trip to get ready & now I have to pack it all back up in a few hours!! We will probably need to leave some things behind because now we have diapers & formula & baby things that weigh a lot.

Despite any of Dan's reports we didn't do that much shopping - we hope no one is dissapointed about not getting souvenirs. We did get things for Gigi as I would like to give her a gift from China every year on her birthday so she has a connection to her heritage throughout her life. Please don't be insulted...our luggage can only weigh 44lbs each for the in-China flight & we were at our limit on the way here! Besides we are bringing back a very sweet treat for everyone to enjoy for many, many years to come...GIGI!!

Daddy & Baby are snoring - it's so cute to listen to!

I guess I better do some more packing while I have the chance!


Gigi's Mommy

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Anonymous said...

You have already given us the greatest gift by sharing this experience with us. This is your time don't worry about anyone else but the three of you.
lots of love and prayers for a safe and joyful journey HOME, AUNT JEN.

renell1208 said...

the only thing anyone of us are interested in, is gigi. sorry mom and dad but your about to feel just how i did, unimportant as all eyes and hands and cameras and gifts and... well you get the point will now be on gigi. you are no longer dan and denise you are gigi's mom and dad. and an amazing pair you will be. i cant wait to see the blog when you get home a great example for anyone out there
trystanne and us will be coming up the beginning of august not sure the exact date as i have started my surrogacy with a family so i have to work the visit around them and the doctors visits but we are beyond ready to play with this little angel!
see you soon and your in our prayers!