She has bangs!!! And looks adorable! So glad we did it! Mommy got a much needed haircut too!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Preparations are under way for Gigi's Princess Party!
One week from today we will be celebrating Gigi's third birthday with a Disney Princess party. The punch fountain has been purchased as well as the chocolate for the chocolate fountain. Tiaras & wands (& foam swords for the boys) are ready for her little cousins & friends. Gigi will be dressed as Sleeping Beauty, one of her favorite princesses but then again she really does love them all.
We are so excited!!!
Ballet Day
I think Pooh will be heading up to the attic this weekend! When you can go out without a sweater it's time to say goodbye to all things winter & welcome Spring!
As I continue to prepare for Gigi's birthday party I do it in complete denial that she is turning 3!!! It's going too fast! But we're determined to make age 3 her best year yet so we will have loads of fun together. Our summer trip to Vero has been booked & a quick trip to Bush Gardens is in the planning stage too. Plus we have her dance recital to look forward to & she's getting smarter every day. She can read several of her sight words on her own already. Ok I guess I can stop trying to convince myself now. LOL!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Stocking stuffers are so much fun!
Yes it is february 18th and Gigi is still opening stocking stuffers. Dan was talking about whether or not the dentist will be open Monday
because it's presidents day and Gigi said, "yes it's presents day. I love presents! Can I open a present Momma? Please Momma. Can I open one?" How could I say no! We let her open more of her stocking Stuffers.
We went through all the big ones and decided which she'll open for her birthday & which we'll save for Easter. The sad thing is I had to keep opening one end & re-taping it because I couldn't remember what was in most of them! Some of them are super fun! I can't wait!
Not quite sure what this pose was all about!
I just had to share this cute picture! I'm on my way to the doctor and hopefully he will say it is just a cold! it could be the worse right now dan is getting a root canal! Ugh!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
On our way to the Magic Kingdom!
Gigi started a new sticker reward program a few days ago. Every time she chose a sippy cup over bottle she got a sticker or if she used the potty instead of a diaper. When she got enough stickers her reward was a visit to the Magic Kingdom wearing her Cinderella dress. Well she needed only two more when she woke up today & after using the potty this morning she drank her milk in her Belle drink cup so we're on our way for a little celebration!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
We had lunch with the Colonel today.
Gigi was hungry after her ballet class today so we went to KFC for lunch. She was very excited to sit next to the Colonel. She like that her shoes & his matched or as Gigi says, "they're magic!" Everything that matches is magic. I'm pretty sure she's just pronouncing the word incorrectly but it always sounds so cute when she says magic instead of matches! I love it!
Friday, February 11, 2011
So happy!
Gigi was so happy to go to Nana & Papa's today. Or it could be that I finally let her off the potty. Of course her diaper was wet immediately. Oh well, at least we know she can hold it. That will be good when she finally is potty trained!
She brought her new V.Reader (that's what's in the backpack) that Ryleigh & Bryce gave her for Christmas. She loves it!!!
The Princess on her throne!
It's Fun Friday! Gigi gets to pick anything in her closet to wear! "I want a costume Mommy." I showed her all of her costumes & even though Gigi said, "that's not a costume that's Princess Tiana's dress!" she picked this one! Now if she would just go pee pee in the potty we would be on our way to Nana & Papa's house!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Our first bottle free day!!!
Last night I got Gigi a new sippy cup. It's Belle & her dress holds the drink & there's a straw in the dress to drink from. She chose to have her milk in her Belle sippy cup instead of a bottle. I was so excited for her! Today she brought her new sippy cup to Nana & Papa's and although she drank very little she did not have a bottle all day! Woohoo!
We have a new reward program with her sticker card. Every time she uses the potty or drinks from a sippy cup she gets a sticker & when she gets enough stickers she will get to go to the Magic Kingdom in her Cinderella dress! She is very excited about that! Well, not sure if she'll ever get a sticker for using the potty but she did great without a bottle. Of course it's 10:30 & she had no nap today & she's wide awake! She is so used to falling asleep with a bottle I think she's confused! I guess it's going to be an adjustment for all of us if we keep this up.
We did get a funny quote from her today. Nana reminded her that Mommy said she was to drink out of a sippy cup & then she would get a sticker. Gigi said, "no, Mommy's at work. Bottle!" Nana did not listen. Good job Nana!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
What a fun day!
Thankfully the rain stayed away for most of the day. Gigi's socks, shoes, & bottom of her pants are drenched from walking to the car or should I say splashing in each little puddle on the way to the car.
We got in lots of rides so I'm sure the kids will call it a successful visit! Gigi is still going strong & it's almost 10:00. I thought she would have been out as soon as she got in the car.
On our way to the Magic Kingdom!
Sitting on the monorail waiting for clearance! It just started again. Almost there! It's going to be a fun day!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Dan's b-day cake
I made him a German chocolate cake with homemade icing. The candles are in the shape of a 42 in case you were wondering. I made him taste it before we left for dinner and he loved it! He said he loves me, gigi, his Evo (phone), & his German chocolate cake! I'm so glad he included me & gigi in his list! LOL!
It doesn't take much to please Dan!
Dan is so happy to have firecracker chicken from Panda for his birthday dinner. He's been waiting a long time for his favorite dish!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Oh Bother!
Well despite all this craziness going on Gigi had a good 35 month birthday. She went to school without crying. She was very happy because she was going to be with her cousin Sagan. She will be in Sagan's class from now on and they were so cute together. It made me feel so good to know she has a friend that will watch out for her while she's there. Gigi grew very little this month. It might have been an 1/8 inch or it could have even been the position of her head. I knew she would slow down eventually. She'll probably have a big jump next month to go along with the be three! I can't believe she'll be three soon. Where did this year go. It's so amazing how much she's changed in one year too. She's still cracking us up. She says the funniest things and loves to tell us stories. She has a very good imagination. She loves to play make-believe. When she plays with her Daddy she calls him prince and she is the princess and they have grand adventures. It's adorable to watch. Since there are still so many gifts under the tree (we'll get back to the tree in a moment) she got to open a present for her birthday today. It was a little stuffed hippo because if there's anything Gigi needs it's another stuffed animal! She loved it, of course, and immediately introduced him to her big hippo, his mommy.
So back to the tree. Yes, I know it's February 1st and it was our plan to take down the tree this passed Sunday. We agree it's time. Although it really does brighten up our home!!! Gigi loves it so much but despite all that we were going to do it Sunday but then the floods came and our attention was turned to that. We did take down our outside Christmas decorations. I'm sure we'll take down the tree this Sunday and begin to prepare for Gigi's birthday celebration...hmmm...I wonder if this flood will interrupt the birthday party we were planning. We planned to have a simple party at home. Well, it's still a few weeks away hopefully everything will be back to normal by then!
Ready for School!
Gigi didn't cry at all today! I'm so proud of her! I cried a little but they were happy tears! I'm sure she did so good because she knew she was going to be with Sagan today.