Sunday, February 28, 2010

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Gigi's Turning TWO!

What a wonderful weekend Gigi and I had! Being able to celebrate both of our birthdays together was such a special treat!!! To think last year at this time we were one month away from getting the "call" about Gigi and now, in what seems like a blink of an eye, she's here and as cute as can be!

It was great seeing friends & family this weekend. Thanks to everyone for visiting, especially those of you who live far away, I really appreciate you traveling so far to visit us! And thanks to everyone for the great gifts & birthday wishes!!

Tomorrow we will be taking Gigi to the Magic Kingdom for another fun-filled day to celebrate her birthday! And Tuesday, on my birthday, we're going to take Gigi to Toddler Time at the library then on to take Gigi to her first (how can that be true?) professional photo session thanks to a birthday gift from our cousins. I can't wait!

The fun just keeps on coming!
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Worn out!!!

Gigi fell asleep in her new swing!!! She loves it Aunt Jen!!!
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Hurry Uncle Ron!!!

Uncle Ron & Daddy are putting together Gigi's slide & swing from Aunt Jen and she can't wait!!!

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That's what the candles say!!!

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

As her Pooh Bear shirt says...Don't start the party without me!!!

What a fun day Gigi will have today!!! (And Mommy & Daddy too!)
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Gigi loves her new friends!
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What a fun evening we had at T-Rex with Gigi's new friends!!!

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Gigi got a fun gift!!!

Thank you sheri!!! It's so wonderful! Gigi will have so much fun learning new songs!!!
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Having fun with friends at T-Rex!

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Look at my sticker!

Gigi loves getting her sticker at Toddler Time at the Library!
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Ribbon time!!!
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You would never know there were about 20 other kids at Toddler Time! Gigi always gets the party started! About half way through other kids get up & join her.
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She actually sat down & listened to the story today! Well, most of it!
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You would never know there were about 20 other kids at Toddler Time! Gigi always gets the party started! About half way through other kids get up & join her.
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Having a ball with Gigi!

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Gigi was too cute tonight...she came in the living room with a ball, sqautted down and rolled the ball under the TV stand. She them immediately began to ask for help! And, of course, Daddy went to her rescue! she was so cute asking for help as if someone else took her ball and put it there! While Daddy was down there he took out ball after ball after ball & a few toys too! She's too funny!!! When did she even put them under there? We have no idea! LOL!

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Barney makes a good pillow!

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's Magic!

Gigi has figured out there something special about her magic wall. She now plays with the magnets on the wall. It only took seven months for her to become intrigued enough to play with them but now that she knows they come off & on she can tell there's something extra special about that wall!
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I'm so very excited to say I figured out how to make my phone save pictures to the media card again!!!! It was so simple too!!! I feel a little silly but so glad I finally figured it out! With an empty 8gig card I think it's safe to say the Gigi picture drought has come to an end!!!!

Yay!!!!!!!! I'm sure all the Gigi fans will be shouting for joy....I know we are!

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Gigi was too cute this morning giving her Mommy & Daddy homemade Valentine's Day cards. They were so sweet and we were both delighted to receive them. She made them so pretty with markers, glitter, and stickers of some of her favorite friends like Eeyore, Pooh, and Minnie Mouse. What a great way to start a very special day!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Eve & Chinese New Year Eve!!

This year the Chinese New Year happens to fall on Valentine's Day. What an extra special day tomorrow will be!

I feel so bad that I haven't been doing a good job of posting pictures & updates to our blog but I cannot save pictures to my phone right now. Dan downloaded the very full media card (all 8 gigs!) to our computer & deleted them from the card but we haven't figured out how to tell the phone to save pictures to the card again. If anyone knows how to do this on a Blackberry Curve please share.

Anyway, I feel bad because Gigi's been extra cute the last few days & tonight I would have loved to post a picture of her making her Daddy's Valentine's Day card. She had fun with markers & glitter glue! Well, I could try to do it the old fashioned way & snap a picture with an actual camera & download it to the blog through the computer but that's so much effort! LOL!

To all our Gigi fans, hang in there, we'll get it figured out soon enough.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We're at our follow-up doctor visit today

Gigi's doing well & there haven't been any signs of a rash again. We'll see what Dr. Wurst has to say today. Meanwhile Gigi is entertaining me & Nana with lots of singing and dancing.
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Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Sleeping Baby

Gigi's been released. She's doing great & I'm sure she'll sleep the whole drive home! Arnold Palmer ER was wonderful!!! Sadly the waiting room is very crowded now! But I know all those little ones are in good hands!

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Barney's great but nothing's better than Nana!

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The Meds Are Working!!!

The bumps are no longer raised and there's much less redness! Thank God!!! She'll be asleep before long.

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What a good Daddy...

Daddy found some Barney videos to show Gigi on his phone. Her favorite!
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Thank Goodness for Barney!

Gigi woke up this morning with a bright red rash with raised bumps all over. As the redness subsided just the hives remained behind. We took her to Arnold Palmer ER. She is doing well. They gave her four meds by mouth and that didn't make her happy!!! She's enjoying a bottle and some snuggly time now with Barney now. They said the rash should look better within 30 minutes & if so we will be able to leave. She's such a good girl and she's going to get a very nice surprise later!!!
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Gigi's Rash

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Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy 23 Month Birthday Gigi!

Today Gigi is 23 months old! One more month until the big 2!!!

Here are Gigi's Birthday Stats:
32 inches tall!!!
22.2 pounds
7 1/2 front teeth (4 on top & 3 1/2 on bottom)
2 top molars starting to show one on each side
2 bottom molars one on each side 1/2 way out!
Able to repeat the entire alphabet as you say each letter!
Knows her colors (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple)
Knows all the Disney Princesses by name! LOL!
And she some how got even more adorable this month - which we never think can be possible!

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