Thursday, August 28, 2008

Where are the rumors?

As we come to the close of another month I'm anxiously waiting to hear rumors about this month's cut off date. Please let it be double digits!!! I hope everyone enjoyed this month as much as I have. Thanks to our DVR I was able to be immersed in the Olympics and what an incredible and exuberating time that was! From the awesome opening ceremony all the way through the fun of the closing ceremony I thorougly enjoyed every moment....I felt like I was part of the excitement while watching Michael Phelps accomplish world records, Nastia and Shawn take gold in gymnastics, the Redeem team make basket after basket, Turner and Walsh owning beach volleyball, and the list goes on. But the best experience that I am so grateful for is getting to see a glimse of my daughter's beautiful country. Dan and I are looking forward to visiting China and experiencing it first hand...with the exception of eating bugs on a stick! but we'll take lots of pictures for everyone to see! Of course, we'll treasure our "souvenir" more than words can express...only 35 more days!!! and hopefully soon to be much less!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Goodbye January (and good riddance!!)

So the roller coaster continues. After waiting and waiting for a big batch this month, we were advised by every online site possible that the CCAA had only referred through January 27th (2 whole days in a month) which, after only getting 3 days the month before was understandably disappointing. Even our agency advised us that it appeared that the 27th was the cut-off. We moved on, hoping for a post-Olympics surge next month.

Flash forward to this morning, I open my email and there is an update from our agency stating that the CCAA actually referred through January 31st!!! FOUR MORE DAYS for a total of SIX DAYS THIS MONTH!! This is somewhat strange because everything we have heard has told us that the CCAA, along with all other Chinese Government Agencies, was closed from Jan. 28-Feb 5 of 2006 for the Chinese New Year. Apparently there may be some folks who were logged in during that period. Very odd!!

In any case, the big news in the middle of this confusion is that finally, FINALLY, China has completely referred January of 2006. It has taken them about seven months to do so, but next month we are essentially guaranteed to see February dates. If they can at least get to February 7th (which if there was any truth to those closure dates for the Chinese New Years should not be out of the realm of possibility) we would be one month (the short month of February at that) away from Gigi!!

WOO to the HOO!!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Two days is indeed better than nothing which is what we expected around the Olympics but it's just hard to swallow when you're in the thick of it!

Someone posted this link on the Rumor Queen site. I thought it was interesting. NBC aired it Saturday morning. The host is Lester Holt and he discusses the current adoption situation in China.

Still not sure

As we continue to wait for an "official" cut-off date, we have begun hearing that there may have only been 2 days of referrals this month. Odd since that would take it to January 27 2006 and there were no log-in dates between Jan. 28th and February 5th. You would think that, even if they did not get 2/6 they would make 2/5 the cut-off so it looked a bit longer. Not that it really makes a difference if they did not have that 3rd day, but it would have still been nice to get out of January. Oh, is not official yet so we can keep hoping. Either way, unless they just stop completely we will definitely see a February date next month and we should only have 28 days of referrals between us and Gigi.